Our Daily Bread

We believe that taking a moment to reflect and focus on positive things can make a big difference in your day.

So, what does “daily bread” mean? The phrase comes from a prayer that has been said by Christians for centuries: “Give us this day our daily bread.” The prayer is asking for God’s provision and sustenance for each day. It’s a reminder that we should not worry about tomorrow, but rather focus on today and trust that our needs will be met.

For us, “daily bread” represents not only physical sustenance, but also spiritual nourishment. It’s about taking a moment to reflect on what is important in life and being grateful for the things we have. Whether it’s a supportive family, good friends, or a fulfilling career here at Senior Life & Family First Partnerships, that allows you to serve others and build a residual income for true freedom, we believe it’s important to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings in our lives.

So, we hope that our daily bread page can provide a moment of reflection and positivity for you. Remember that you are not alone, and that there is always something to be thankful for. Keep doing what you’re doing and know that you are making a difference in the world one policy at a time.

Below are Prayers and Links for us…


O GOD, I pray, please give me strength
To go on doing, what seems to have no end
I need courage to fight all the odds
To accept the “NOS” and still not fall short.

I know death is sure, death must come
I must somehow secure everyone’s income
Every bread winner must be insured, its only right
So that every child, every widow’s future may be bright.

O GOD, O please, please do help me along
So that others may not suffer because one life is gone
Let the road be hard, let the weather be cold or hot
Give me endurance to see people, Let me waste time not.

Thank you GOD for giving me this opportunity to serve
To be part of Life Insurance which is a gift of love
If I have to choose wealth, honour and fame
I’II choose NONE : I’II be an agent, just the same.

If I have to live my life all over again
I’II still be an insurance agent
My profession will not change.

A Salesperson’s Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day!  Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made to allow me to be here to serve you.  Thank You for Your love, your kindness and for all the many blessings You have sent my way.  Thank You for Your guidance and for Your continued support in my life.

I pray today Lord that you will place me in front of those you wish for me to help.  I am ready and able to do Your will.  I ask that you use me as a tool to Your benefit.  I pray that You will guide me and give the words to say and the patience to listen.  I pray that you will give me strength in overcoming adversity, facing and persuading naysayers, and use me as a tool to reach the people you want me to help.  I know that all things are possible through you and I believe you have put me in sales for a reason.  Help me to see that reason and help me to help others help themselves.

In Jesus Christ name I pray, AMEN.

Rest in Peace Joe Chuba, Our Brother, Friend, Partner & Agent gone to soon. This page is for you, as you had a very deep faith. Keep an eye out over us.

Joe’s Memorial Page:


Below are Prayers and Links for us…


12 Things You Can Do After a Coworker Dies | Cake Blog (joincake.com)


Watch all episodes of The Chosen for free


Download The Bible App Now – 100% Free


Pray: The World’s #1 App for Daily Prayer and Biblical Audio Content

Ohio Church Directory – ChurchFinder.com

Ohio Church Directory (usachurches.org)

Find Church.org in Ohio | Church.org