Talking about F.E

The topic of final expense life insurance is not only important but could be uncomfortable for many people to talk about. Most people may not want to discuss funerals as they find it difficult to talk about death. However, discussing final expense life insurance is essential for financial planning and can help alleviate the financial burden on loved ones when someone passes away. The aim of this Family First Partnerships paper is to explore how clients can be encouraged to talk about final expense life insurance when the subject of funerals is uncomfortable for them.

Final expense life insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers the cost of the funeral and other related expenses. It is designed to help the family left behind pay for the funeral without financial stress. Unfortunately, many people avoid buying final expense life insurance and discussing funerals, which can lead to families facing a financial burden after the death of their loved ones. It is therefore important to encourage clients to talk about final expense life insurance despite this discomfort.

Ways to Encourage Clients

  1. Listen actively: Active listening is an essential skill when it comes to encouraging clients to discuss final expense life insurance. It involves being present, engaged, and attentive to what the client is saying. Encourage the client to express themselves, ask open-ended questions, and validate their feelings. This approach helps clients feel understood and more comfortable to discuss final expense life insurance, even though it is uncomfortable.
  2. Educate clients on the benefits of final expense life insurance: Clients may view final expense life insurance as a costly or unnecessary expense. As a professional, it is crucial to educate clients about the benefits of final expense life insurance, including covering funeral expenses,

relieving loved ones of a financial burden, and easing grieving. By understanding these benefits, clients may become more willing to consider buying insurance.

  1. Provide a comfortable environment: Creating a comfortable environment can help the client feel more relaxed during the discussion of final expense life insurance. It can include having the discussion outside the office, giving the clients adequate time to prepare for the conversation,
    and providing water or other refreshments.
  2. Use stories and anecdotes: As humans, we respond to stories, and using them can be an effective tool in discussing final expense life insurance. Sharing a personal story or recounting a situation that involved final expense life insurance can help the client understand the need for it
    in a more empathetic way.
  3. Provide clear and concise information: Clients may shy away from discussions around funerals, they may not want to be inconsistent or feel like they have inadequate understanding, so it is the job of the professional to provide clear and concise explanations of the different insurance options available, any limitations, and what it covers.

Discussing final expense life insurance when clients find it difficult to talk about funerals is a challenging but necessary part of financial planning. Encouraging clients to understand the benefits, establishing comfort, providing clear information, active listening, and using stories are some ways this conversation can be initiated. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure the clients understand that final expense life insurance policies are an important aspect of financial planning that guarantees their loved ones do not bear the burden of funeral costs.
-Family First Partnerships-SeniorLife.LOVE